I used the phrase "cis people" and the person told me to stop "being patronizing to 'cis' people." Which, due to the scare quotes used around "cis" but never "trans," told me this was one of those people who gets offended when trans people use "cis" as an adjective for them. Also ironic, considering they started two threads today specifically to provoke trans people. But I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about people who take offense to being called 'cis."
They all give similar reasons. Transphobic feminists might complain that it "takes away women's right to determine their identification," because trans people clearly want cis women to call themselves cis women all of the time, and never just women (FYI, I'm being sarcastic, that's not true). Other people might complain that they "never" hear trans people use "cis" in a way which is not patronizing.
The latter I can agree with to a point: Sometimes some trans people do use cis as a pseudo-insult. But there are a few things cis people need to realize about that:
- Cis people are privileged over trans people. Because of that, we do not have the power to create useful anti-cis slurs. Same reason nobody reasonably thinks saying "cracker" is usefully oppressing whites or "man-whore" is usefully oppressing men.
- "Cis" is the opposite of "trans" and was chosen because it is etymologically fair. The language people who object to "cis" use to describe themselves in the same context is almost always designed to "other" trans people in favor of cementing themselves as the "real" men or, more commonly, "real" women.
- Despite comments to the contrary, this has happened before. "Straight," for example, originated as slang used by gay people.
- Some uses of cis are meant to be snide and obnoxious... but most of the time, the only real offense is that a trans person has hit a nerve regarding a cis person's privilege. Basically, we have pointed out that the linguistic dynamic of "women versus trans women" or "men versus trans men" is wrong.
- When you think about it, calling people "trans" is incredibly condescending, too, when you actually think about it.