
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good luck, Kye Allums

Kye Allums -
You've probably already heard the news.  The NCAA now has its first openly trans member, FTM Kye Allums, who plays for George Washington State and will be allowed to continue playing on the women's team so long as he is not on testosterone.  He is currently a recipient of a scholarship dependent on playing women's basketball.

I get uncomfortable about this sort of thing, and initially I was uncomfortable with this, too.  I think too many transmen have a sense of entitlement when it comes to women's space.  Then I realized I was in the closet working for the Girl Scouts in a female-only position for three years, so hey, hello hypocrisy.

Besides, transguys and in fact all trans people are in need of good role models.  I am very hopeful that he will succeed and serve as someone to look up to for transboys and future transmen in the world of sports.

I wanted a link to a good article on Kye and found that most mainstream ones are littered with ridiculous transphobic comments.  I did, however, find a good one at FiTTiD TomBoi that includes a full article as well as videos.

Good luck, Kye!  We're all rooting for you!
-- Jack