There's a reason I don't subscribe to it. And that's because of posts like this:

Yes, poster, the entire reason I have been living as a man for the past seven years and the reason there is an "influx" of people like me is because society has made me feel unhappy with myself as a "woman."
It's not like being a transman has subjected me to intense scrutiny of my body as it relates to my gender identity, that's something that clearly only happens to cis women or as you call them "bio-girls." Clearly the "influx" of transmen isn't because we ever lacked visibility and resources like the Internet, this is all happening right now because otherwise cis people would have known about it because cis people are experts on trans people and why we are the way we are. I know this because cis people tell me so. I don't know anything about myself until it's told to me by a cis person.