
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Buy Girl Scout Cookies With Authority

Normally I try to avoid putting stuff that isn't really related to trans men directly on this blog (mostly because I'm aware the other stories I put here tend to be biased in ways I'm not comfortable with), but... well...

Buy Girl Scout cookies this year.  If you don't have other reasons for not doing so, anyway.

It's a good program.  And it's actually girl-centered rather than cis-girl-centered.  It's inclusive.  It's not the Boy Scouts.  Also I worked for them for a long time.

I'm not particularly worried about them, to be honest... the fact is, when that group disbanded to form a different group, they joined the same organization that was created because the Girl Scouts made mention of "God" in the promise optional.  So they were assholes to begin with.

Just saying, buy Girl Scout cookies.