
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Herp derping around the Internet...

I know I'm not the only person who has taken it.

My results were 50 in the male range, which as it turns out is absolutely average:
Not that I take too much stock in quizzes like this.  My favorite part of reading the results was when they were showing the average scores for men and women and they were exactly the same.  What?  Really?

Actually, no, I take that back.  My favorite part of reading the results was this:
Not because I nailed it, but because I remember that part of tests from when I was in elementary and middle school and how confused all of my chromosomal-essentialist teachers got when someone who at least looks to be lacking a Y chromosome can actually *gasp* move pictures in their mind!

I actually have a really bitter viewpoint of how teachers underestimate girls in math and stuff like that because when I was little they basically went "Well, Jackie, you got another D, but you're a girl, so it's OK."

The problem is that I'm really good at math.  They just decided that my decision not to apply myself was because as a girl I was bad at math.  Which is the problem with quizzes like this.  The fact that men and women are different (I know some of you will slam me for saying it, but we are) does not make women or men inherently good or bad at anything, at least not to the point where you can just give up on a child's abilities over it.

But yeah, that's my soapbox for the day.