
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Really guy? Really?

Sometimes there's stuff out there that's so well-meaning but which still makes my head hurt:
I added the mars symbol to point out that this is a guy because I don't post real names.  Usually.

Clearly this is supposed to tell me that you cannot be either bisexual, transgender, or Pagan, and since my cissexism sense is rapidly tingling I assume you mean that you aren't trans because OMFGLOL no straight woman wants a trans guy, right?  Or a trans woman, for that matter, because it clearly has never happened that a straight woman married a trans woman who didn't know she was a trans woman yet and just happened to still love her enough to say.  Crazy world, say I.

Honestly, I think this kind of thing in some ways this kind of thing annoys me more than any bullshit Keith Ablow could pull out of his ass, simply because people in general are so ill-informed that they think this sort of thing is supportive.  And he's really trying to be, don't get me wrong, but seriously, straight allies, don't do this.