
Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Girl Scout Cookie Story

So I went to the store today. I was going to wait because it's snowy out... the roads didn't look bad but my driveway is coated, so even though I needed milk I'm all "I can wait."

Then I remembered today was cookie booth day. I had wanted to go to the cookie booth because I didn't buy any cookies from individual girls. So I'm like, yeah, milk can wait, but I'm not going to give up my one chance to totally ruin my diet for a while, especially considering there's a "massive" cookie boycott by the bigoted-by-design American Heritage Girls (or rather their parents), so I monster-trucked my way out of the driveway.

I told a girl who asked me if I wanted cookies that I'd be back when I was done shopping, so I go and I get my milk and come back. I think about it for a minute before saying "You know, I'll just take one of each."

To which the leaders/volunteers looked at me funny like "Whut? One of each whut?"

"One of each kind?" To which they looked at me as if I'd just bought ten cases of cookies, "Really?"

"Uh, yeah."

So one of the leaders scrambles with a bag looking all excited, the other starts doing math on a calculator to tell me what I owe. I gave them a twenty and told them to keep the rest. Which wasn't a lot but everybody was very excited about it.

(I'm getting the impression they didn't sell a lot of boxes today)

One of the leaders tells me I can keep them in the freezer, and I say I know because I used to be a Girl Scout. In reality I was thinking "Freeze them? You, sir, underestimate my ability to be fat."

As I left, I overheard one of the girls saying "Boys can be Girl Scouts?!" To which the leader replied, "I guess so."