
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Starting to grow a beard... like so many high school boys...

Today was shot number twelve, bringing me up to eleven weeks on testosterone.  I am now out of syringes and will be going to the doctor on Tuesday.

I'm starting to grow a beard.  Alright, maybe not quite enough for me to call it that, and it's true that I had facial hair to begin with, but there's so much more of it.  In most lighting it actually shows up as facial hair, too, whereas it used to be you had to actually be looking for it.  It's also starting to fill in between the two distinct patches, and it's spreading along the jaw and connecting with the neck hair I usually shave off.  Grows out blonde, and then in a week or so it thickens up.  Really neat to watch, actually.

My motivation level tapered off a little.  The amount of time I spend exercising is... well, rather small.  But my eating habits are still relatively well-checked and my grades are still up.  Also, I'm down to 226 pounds (I'd gotten up to 240 in January).  I've found myself to be slightly more impulsive, which is probably a side effect of the whole motivation thing.  This is a mixed bag... it's coaxing me into doing things I should have started doing long ago, but it also means I do some things without thinking about them.